Thursday 24 July 2008

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Exploring the World of Diets

Diets are now as common as a hot dog on a Fourth of July afternoon. However, it can be confusing for consumers to identify different types of diets. The National Institutes of Health have identified a variety of diet plans in existence in the market today. Understanding these various diet programs can be the first step to losing significant weight.
The fixed menu diet tells you exactly what you will consume over a period of time. This makes it easy on the dieter, because he or she does not have to shop for their own food. The disadvantage to this type of diet is that the dieter fails to learn how to choose food for himself or herself. Also, the diet food you are provided with can be quite bland and boring. Also, you may find it difficult to follow the diet plan when you are traveling. A number of medical experts recommend ultimately replacing the fixed menu diet with another plan in order to keep yourself healthy.
In an exchange diet, you get to choose your food from a number of different groups. In other words, from the starch group you could select pasta, rice, or potatoes. As a result, the diet offers a good deal of variety and you shouldn’t have any difficulty following it while you are on vacation. Such a diet also enables you to learn how to make healthy choices for yourself.
With pre-packaged meal diets, you have to buy food in pre-set portions. As a result, you are able to determine how much of a given food item you are allowed to have on a given day. Still, such a program tends to be expensive and makes food choices for you, so you don’t get the experience of selecting your own meals.
If you go on a formula diet, you will be drinking your breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or a combination of the meals. These liquid formulas are often filled with proteins and carbohydrates and have little in the way of fat. The formula diet is convenient and can be economical. However, while individuals tend to lose weight over the short term, they may not be able to sustain the weight loss over the long run.
According to federal health officials, questionable diets are those that promote eating a certain combination of foods in order t lose pounds. While such diets are low-cal, they often lack valuable nutrients. In addition, they may be unworkable for long-term weight loss.
In flexible diets, the dieter must decide what type of food he or she will eat and the size of portions. Such diets can be low-fat, low-cal, or both. However, one disadvantage of such a diet program is that an individual might manage to cut out fat, but might also end up loading up on sugars.

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A study conducted last year showed that individuals could lose weight through a low-fat, high-carbohydrate approach. The research indicated that the pounds could melt away, even if you didn’t exercise or reduce calories. However, the study was refused by Gary Foster of the University of Pennsylvania’s Weight and Eating Disorders Program, who claimed that consuming large quantities of carbs without cutting calories could lead to a “public health disaster.” But the author of the study maintained that, since fats and carbs might be metabolized differently, reducing calories does not allows reduce one’s weight. The American Dietetic Association maintains that it is possible to lose weight using a number of different approaches.
Because of the variety of diets available—and the confusion over which ones are truly effective—some physicians recommend consulting with a dietician in order to obtain a personalized weight loss plan. In this way, you can rely on expert advice for your meal planning. The plan can also be individualized to meet your unique nutritional needs.
Generally speaking, health experts say the best weight loss programs combine diet with exercise. In this way, you can ensure that your body is using food efficiently. You can build up your strength and muscle tone, becoming more fit in the process. If you have serious questions about the best way to go about weight loss, it’s best if you talk to your family doctor.
To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

Misconceptions Abound About Weight Loss

A number of misconceptions persist about weight loss. These are quite serious, because they could affect not only an individual’s weight, but also his or her general health as well. The more you know about the misconceptions about weight loss, the more likely it is that you will end up following a suitable weight reduction plan.

One popular misconception is that any product that has been labeled “natural” is safe. In fact, you should be aware of the fact that these products often do not undergo vigorous scientific tests. For instance, ephedra, which has been included in some weight loss products has been banned by federal authorities because it has been determined to be unhealthy. Even those products that do not contain ephedra can be dangerous because they have components that are like ephedra. As a result, you should consult your doctor before using herbal weight loss products. Your physician is in the best position to know whether a weight loss pill or other product is appropriate in your case.

Another misconception is that you can still lose weight, even if you eat whatever you choose. Actually, you need to be careful about how many calories you consume and increase your exercise in order to ensure that you burn more fat than you take in. Also, it is important that you limit portions in order to ensure that you do not add extra weight. If you select low-calorie foods and you eat smaller portions, while enhancing your physical activity, you should be able to lose weight. However, you may still be able to eat some of the food you like best—provided you eat it in moderation or, if high in calories, only sparingly.

Yet another misconception is that, because a food item is labeled low-fat, it has no calories to speak of. While low-fat foods may indeed be low-cal, some processed low-fat food products have just as many calories as the high-fat types. In fact, they may be loaded in sugar or flour, increasing the total calorie count. As a result, it is important for you to check the nutrition labels on food packages in order to determine the exact amount of calories per serving. It is also imperative that you find out what constitutes a serving size so that you will not be tempted to overeat.

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Some individuals believe that fast food is inherently bad and cannot be eaten while following a diet program. However, if you are knowledgeable, you can actually eat at fast food restaurants and still lose weight. It’s best, for instance, if you do not indulge in supersize combo meals. You might, however, consider splitting a combo with your spouse or friend. Avoid soft drinks and drink water instead. Consider eating a salad or a grilled chicken breast sandwich. Keep the condiments—such as mayonnaise and salad dressings—to a minimum. Ask the restaurant not to put bacon or cheese on your sandwich, and avoid eating French fries or fried chicken. If you go to a Mexican restaurant, try a taco that is made with salsa rather than cheese or sauce. Following these simple recommendations can make your visit to a fast food outlet worthwhile—and non-fattening.

Some people operate under the misconception that dining after 8 p.m. always leads to weight gain. No doubt it is possible, but what matters most is how many calories you consume and how much fat you burn off. While it is a good idea to avoid snacking in front of the television, you might be able to have a nightly snack, if you haven’t consumed that much high-calorie food during the course of the day.

Other individuals believe that lifting weights is harmful because it will cause you to add weight to your frame. In actuality, weightlifting can enable you to lose weight. This is because lifting weights assists you in building muscle, which burns more calories than fat. Engaging in strength training twice or three times a week can be an effective part of your overall weight loss program.

Obviously, misconceptions about dieting are plentiful. That is why it is so critically important that you consult a registered dietician or other health professional before beginning any major weight loss program.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil
Thinking Like a Thin Person

Your struggle with weight might have begun while you were a child, as you attempted to find out just how many cookies you could eat at one sitting. Or it might have occurred shortly after you arrived on a college campus for the first time. Those late nights of studying might have led to late-night binging sessions. Or you might have gained weight after the birth of your first child, and have been unable to shed the weight ever since. No matter what the cause, weight gain is a serious matter. It can affect your energy level, your stamina, and your overall health. Obesity has been linked to a number of diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

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Once you determine that you are overweight, you have to make a commitment to bring your weight under control. This can be a daunting venture. You have turned overeating into a habit, and reversing that habit can be difficult. In essence, you have taught yourself to “think like a fat person.” In order to reverse this trend, you need to learn to think like a thin person.

What exactly does this mean? To begin with, it means that you must throw away your preconceived ideas about food and eating. Eating might have become a social event for you. As a result, you’ll need to learn to be sociable without food. This is similar to the struggle that alcoholics face when they must learn to socialize without beer or liquor. Just because this is hard lesson to learn doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

Thinking like a thin person also means that you need to develop new coping strategies. You might be viewing food as your friend, the one you turn to when things are not going your way. You may even be eating in secret because you’re ashamed at how much you’re eating. You need to realize that your public persona needs to be the same as your private persona—and your diet should match both.

A number of thin people exercise without even noticing it. Activity has become a normal part of their day. The same thing needs to be true of you. You need to exercise as much as possible. It should ultimately become second nature for you. It should not be a chore—it should be a fun part of your week. Take an inventory of your preferences. Whether you like tennis or bowling, badminton or running, choose the activity that best represents your style. Then exercise diligently—preferably six times a week. This will speed up your metabolism so that you will burn fat more quickly. Also, you need to overcome any fear you have of exercising. As an overweight person, you might find exercise frustrating—and you might fear what other people will think of you as they watch you exercising. You need to realize that chances are no one cares about your exercise routine. Don’t let fear get in the way of your progress.

Thinking thin also means controlling portion sizes. This can be difficult, especially when eating out. However, the key to effective weight loss often lies in limiting your food intake, and that begins with portion control. You might try putting your dinner on a smaller plate in order to ensure that your portion sizes are not too large.

You have to realize that thinking as a thin person does not happen overnight. You have had years to develop your thought patterns and changing them can be a challenge. The important thing to remember is to take one day at a time and keep in mind that your weight loss will not happen instantaneously. It will take months of hard work to reach your ideal weight. However, the good news is that once you get into the habit of thinking thin, it’s a trait you can carry with you for life. The difference between a fat person and a thin person is not just a matter of the body, but of the mind as well. Once you realize that, you will be well on your way to accomplishing your weight loss goals, both your immediate goals and your future goals.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

Pectin: A Key to Long-Term Weight Loss?

You may never have heard of pectin, but you may have been eating it for a long time without knowing it. Pectin is found in a variety of fruits, such as apples, peaches, and strawberries, along with vegetables including sweet potatoes, beans, and raw carrots. Pectin is defined as a carbohydrate that lacks calories. It is also a reliable source of fiber, which is a prime ingredient of a healthy diet. Pectin is not absorbed by the body, but manages to cut cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It may even prevent colon cancer.

One of the interesting things about pectin is that it causes the stomach to empty more slowly. As a result, after you consume pectin, you feel satisfied for a lengthy period of time. This means that you will ultimately eat less, leading to weight loss. Research has shown that a small dose of pectin will do the trick—as little as a single teaspoon can enable you to feel satisfied.

You’ll find pectin at your local grocery store. There’s the powder, which may be known as Sure-Jel, and the liquid, known as Certo. Derived from apples and grapefruit, pectin is ordinarily found among the baking supplies in the supermarket. You can also find pectin in health food stores.

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Supporters of the pectin approach to weight loss recommend adding it to orange juice, water, or soft drinks. The pectin should have no effect on the taste of your beverage. Given the fact that pectin is fiber, you should increase your intake of it gradually. Begin with a teaspoon a day and then work your way up to three teaspoons daily. In addition to adding it to beverages, you might consider putting pectin in applesauce, baked potatoes, or broth.

Pectin is just one kind of fiber. In general, fiber is a key element to any successful weight loss program. Physicians believe you should consume anywhere from 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily, although most Americans eat 15 grams or less. Fiber also has a number of positive health effects. It has been linked to reducing cholesterol, managing diabetes, and limiting heart damage. One Swiss study determined that consuming a high-fiber meal reduced hunger more than eating a meal low in fiber. You can find a number of sources for fiber. These include carrots, peas, spinach, and cauliflower. In addition, there are a number of fiber-enriched breakfast cereals and breads. For the most part, food that is high in fiber is low-fat.

There are some simple ways that you can increase your intake of fiber. For instance, you can add garbanzo beans to your salad or soup, or serve a tablespoon of bran with your cereal. Consuming the skin of fruits and vegetables will also enhance your fiber intake. Since the actual fiber content of individual foods tends to be low, it is best if you increase the number of servings of fiber-filled food that you eat each day.

At times, you might consider eating dinners that don’t contain meat. This is because meat has no fiber, so it doesn’t give you the health benefits that fiber-rich food does. Instead, concentrate on eating grains, fruits, and vegetables. In this way, you can make sure that your meal has a hearty concentration of fiber.

It should be said that it can become difficult to become accustomed to a diet rich in fiber. It is indeed counter-cultural, since many families grew up consuming a great deal of meat. However, if you’re serious about weight loss, you’ll give fiber-rich meals a try. Such foods, combined with other sensible eating, can help you lose the weight and ensure that it stays off.

Don’t think that you can graduate to a high-fiber diet overnight. It may require a great deal of trial-and-error before you hit upon the right amount of fiber. However, in the end, you may be amazed at the positive role that fiber plays in your diet. And you may be inspired to encourage others to add more fiber to their own diets as well. It has even been said that a high fiber diet can help you to better manage the amount of food that you consume. So load up on fiber—and watch your waistline shrink as a result.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

Food Addiction: A Craving You Can’t Seem to Control

You may overdose on potato chips or tortilla chips once in a while, but would you consider yourself to be a food addict? The answer is important, because it could be the key to determining what course of action you need to take in order to lose weight. A number of medical experts say that food addiction is just as serious as nicotine or cocaine addiction—and can potentially be just as deadly.

When you suffer from food addiction, you have an overwhelming desire for a particular food. The desire is so strong, in fact, that if you are unable to consume that food, you suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and depression. Food addicts crave the comfort that a particular food gives them. They also may engage in binge eating. Their cravings for food may be both physical and psychological.

It should be pointed out that there are different varieties of food addiction. For instance, there is compulsive overeating, where an individual goes on eating binges that can last several days. The addict may sometimes lose weight, but tends to gain it back again. Symptoms include eating quickly, compulsively eating alone, and eating when there is no evidence of hunger.

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Yet another form of addiction is bulimia, in which an individual overeats, then purges either by vomiting or by taking laxatives. Signs of this condition include isolating oneself when eating, trying to consume huge portions of food rapidly, and being preoccupied with one’s weight.

Food addiction can also come in the form of anorexia, where an individual attempts to starve oneself in order to achieve an unrealistic weight. Anorexics tend to be 15 percent below normal body weight and have a phobia about being fat. They have difficulty eating with other people and appear to be obsessed with weight. They may engage in ritualistic behavior involving food and may suffer from depression.

The good news is that food addiction can be successfully treated. This treatment can come in a variety of forms. A food addict may work with a psychotherapist to develop new ways to deal with food and his or her emotions. The therapist might be able to identify the source of the individual’s fear or anger—the reason behind the individual’s addiction. In the majority of cases, the psychologist will help the individual to develop a treatment plan which spells out expectations and goals, both for the short-term and the long-term. In the most serious cases, an individual may have to undergo in-patient treatment at a psychological facility. Treatment often involves helping the individual to return to healthy eating methods, dealing with the underlying emotional causes of addiction, and learning effective coping techniques.

Food addicts often follow the tenets of the same kind of 12-step program used by alcoholics. This involves admitting their powerlessness over food, their belief that they could be restored to sanity, and an admission of their faults and failings. In addition, food addicts often draw strength from support groups made up of people who have similar difficulties dealing with food. Just knowing that there are other people who face the same challenges can be incredibly therapeutic.

It is unclear at this point whether food addiction is a genetically-based illness. Certainly, however, there is evidence of eating patterns being passed down from one generation to the next. In fact, many food addicts may only seek help after they have determined that their illness could adversely affect their children.

It is entirely possible that a food addiction can never be cured, that it can only be treated. In other words, the recovery period for the addiction can last a lifetime. However, one should never lose hope of beating a food addiction. With patience and with time, individual addicts can learn the behavioral skills which will enable them to keep their weight under control. Of course, there will be times when individuals will be tempted to indulge in sweets or excessive carbohydrates. However, knowing the pain that they will undergo if they continue their harmful eating habits could be just the incentive they need to stay the course.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil