Monday 28 July 2008

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The Food Diary: The “Write” Way to Lose Weight

As a child, you may have kept a diary to record your daily activities, your hopes, and your fears. If you wrote in the diary each day, it might have seemed as if the diary itself had become one of your best friends. As you grew older, the diary might have become a record of your job search, love life, or wedding plans. Psychologists, in fact, tell us that writing down your goals can be the first step to achieving them. It has been demonstrated that individuals who kept a written record of their hunt for employment were more likely to find the job they wanted than those who did not.

It’s not surprising, then, that some dieticians recommend keeping a food diary or journal if you’re hoping to lose weight. If you’re not accustomed to writing, the idea can seem a bit daunting at first. After all, if you don’t seem to have the time to record all of your baby’s “firsts”—the first words, the first steps, the first day of reciting the alphabet—how can you be expected to find the time to write down everything that passes through your lips? It’s a valid question; however, if you stop to consider just how much time you spend eating, surely you can find the time to write down what you eat.

The key to keeping a food diary is motivation. You have to have a desire to record your food choices. One good way to do this is to place a picture of your heaviest self onto the cover of a notebook. Also, make sure that you keep the notebook in full view, either on your bedside table or on the kitchen table. This could provide you with just the incentive you need to make note of what you’re eating. Another motivating factor could be to log your daily weight at the beginning of each diary entry. That way, you can see if your dietary choices are having an effect on your weight. If you find that you are shedding pounds, you can affix a gold star next to your entry. The gold star can provide the psychological boost necessary to continue to lose weight.

Of course, the next question you’ll face is: What exactly should I write down for each entry? To begin with, just include a running list of foods, along with portion sizes. You might be surprised to find out not only what you’re eating, but also how large the portions are. Next, categorize each food entry. Is it a fruit, vegetable, whole grain, or fat? Such information could be vitally important in determining where your excess pounds are coming from.

You can also use your journal for meal planning. If you think about what you should eat ahead of time, you’ll be less likely to indulge in the wrong foods. Such planning can make you feel more organized and more in control—two important elements for losing weight.

If you indulge in comfort food every once in a while, don’t panic. Eating high-calorie foods occasionally can help prevent a feeling of deprivation which can lead to overeating. The key is to eat “bad foods” in moderation. It is also important that you write down everything you eat, including fatty foods. Trying to hide your food choices by not writing them down is counter-productive and could lead to feelings of guilt.

Yet another helpful idea is to write down your goal weight each day. This can be an important element of psychological warfare. Knowing what your goal is—and mapping out a way to get there—can improve your chances of achieving critical milestones.

Also, when possible, try to make your diary experience fun. Do your writing on the patio, by the pool, or in your bathtub. Set the mood by playing some of your favorite music in the background. Decorate your diary by using colored pens or colorful stickers. Whatever you can do to make your diary-keeping chores more interesting will certainly be helpful.

Be aware of the fact that it could take you a while to get into the diary-keeping habit. But, once you see those pounds melt away, you’ll find it’s well worth the investment of time and energy.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

When Fast Weight Loss Becomes Unhealthy

You’ve made the decision to lose weight as quickly as possible. You have your diet in place and you expect to follow it religiously. At this point, you may be wondering how much weight you can lose in a given week and whether fast weight loss can be dangerous for your body.

There are a number of things that can affect your weight loss. For instance, family history, or genetics, can play a significant role. Also, your weight loss may depend upon how much exercise you’re engaging in, as well as how much stress you are under. Your metabolism, or how quickly you burn calories, can also have a major effect.

Theoretically, you could lose as much as 20 pounds a week. However, much of that weight could be water weight. That means that, once you go off your diet, you are likely to gain much of that weight back. Also, unless you engage in strength training, you will be losing muscle as well as fat, since about ¼ of the body’s weight consists of muscle. It is interesting to note that, at most, you can probably lose four pounds of fat in a given week.

Nature has a way of protecting the body against excessive weight loss. If, for instance, your calorie count suddenly drops, your body will compensate for the fact by reducing your metabolic rate. As a result, you’ll need fewer calories to maintain your weight. This explains why some people lose weight up to a point and then cannot lose any additional weight, no matter how hard they try.

If you lose weight quickly, there’s a good chance that your health will be jeopardized. For instance, fast weight loss has been linked to the appearance of gall stones. Also, you may experience loose skin as your weight goes into free fall. Perhaps most distressing of all, if you experience rapid weight loss, there’s a good chance that you will gain the weight back again. This is because it is very difficult to maintain a healthy diet regimen. You may find yourself falling back into your bad eating habits after a period of deprivation.

Fast weight loss also places you at greater risk for an eating disorder. You may be tempted to starve yourself, leading to anorexia. Or, because your food cravings are so great, you may want to binge and purge, leading to a case of bulimia. This is why it is so critically important to lose weight under a physician’s care. Otherwise, you could be doing more harm to your body than good.

Although the body has the capability of shedding a great deal of weight over a period of time, most medical experts agree that one should not expect to lose more than one or two pounds a week in order to remain healthy. This can be disappointing to a dieter, especially one that needs to lose about 50 pounds. However, doctors believe that the go-slow approach is best for long-term weight loss. Otherwise, you could end up with a number of health problems you weren’t anticipating.

There are a number of approaches you can use to lose weight. For instance, you might follow the Atkins plan, the Zone, or the diabetic diet. You might try Sugar Busters or the Carb Addict’s prescription for losing weight. However, it is vitally important that you accompany your diet plan with an effective exercise routine. One of the best exercises you can do, in fact, is the easiest—walking. It has been said that you can lose as many as two pounds a week, just by walking alone.

As has been demonstrated here, rapid weight loss should be approached with caution. It is far better to lose a few pounds each week and maintain that weight loss over the long term. In essence, all good things take time, and that is particularly true when it comes to weight loss. Perhaps the best advice is to be patient. Follow a reasonable diet, get plenty of exercise, and drink a good amount of water. That way, you should be able to slowly lose weight—without jeopardizing your health in the process.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Reward Your Way to Weight Loss

From an early age, we are conditioned to reward ourselves with food. It might have begun in kindergarten, when we were treated to cupcakes at the annual Halloween party. It may have continued through junior high and high school, when we reached for the cookies after a hard day at school. In adulthood, we may buy a high-calorie frappucino to celebrate a success on the job.

But the problem is, food was not designed to be a reward. It exists simply to give us energy. When we look at food as a reward, there is a great temptation to overeat. We believe that we deserve it, that we’ve earned this opportunity to indulge. We feel gratified when we eat food that might otherwise be forbidden.

Our food-as-reward culture has had calamitous consequences. An increasing number of us are overweight, and getting fatter by the year. We suffer from a myriad of health problems as a result of our obesity. We may feel lethargic and unmotivated—too stuffed to engage in exercise. We have become a nation of couch potatoes.

Yet, we don’t have to continue living this way. We can simply stop rewarding ourselves with food. However, it may not be that simple. We will have to change our mindset—to develop alternative systems of rewards. While this may seem difficult at first, it can be accomplished in time.

Here are some ideas for rewards that do not involve food:

• Give yourself a day at the beach. This can clear your mind and can be wonderfully invigorating.

• Schedule some play time. Your play might involve tennis, video games, or blowing bubbles—whatever activity that will get your mind away from the daily routine.

• Go shopping at a dollar store. You won’t spend much, but you could pick up some tremendous bargains.

• Share some quality time with your dog or cat. Grab some pet toys and have some fun.

• Go to the cosmetics counter of your local department store and indulge in a makeover.

• Spend a day at a spa. It can be wonderfully relaxing to be pampered with massage and aromatherapy.

• Volunteer an hour or two at your local elementary school. Being with children, even for a short time, can be a rewarding experience.

• Take your children to the playground, a roller rink, or a swim club. The activity can leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

• Buy a new CD from one of your favorite musical artists. Then make sure you spend an hour or two listening to it.

• If you play a musical instrument, sit down and play a few tunes. Music can be a great mood-elevator.

If you don’t like the idea of developing an alternative reward system, consider simply varying your routine. If you’ve become accustomed to rewarding yourself with a high-calorie cappuccino in the morning, spend some time in quiet prayer or reflection instead. If you feel as if you’ll be tempted to raid a candy store on your way home from work, take an alternate route instead. In general, keeping busy can prevent you from indulging in food rewards. For instance, you might be so busy reading or knitting that you simply don’t have time to reach for a snack.

Making a conscious decision to no longer use food as a reward is certainly counter-cultural. We have been conditioned to believe that there should be a plate of brownies at the end of the rainbow…that heaven is just one hot fudge sundae after another. While food itself isn’t bad, our expectations about food can be. The first step to ending a food addiction may be to recognize that food can no longer serve as our reward.

While it can be rough getting out of the food-as-reward habit, it is well worth the effort. If we no longer view food as the prize, we will organize our day differently. We’ll devote our mealtimes to food, and the rest of our day to something else. We will eat only those foods designed to help us stay healthy—and we’ll be in better shape as a result.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

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Your Natural Fat Incinerator”
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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

The Diet Pill: A Quick Fix?

Modern medicine has given us a number of miracles in a bottle. We have pills for arthritis, pills for heartburn, pills for heart trouble. We have pills that will help us wake up in the morning, pills that will help us digest our afternoon meal, and pills that will enable us to sleep at night. We live in a pill-popping society.

Because of the number of medications available, we often turn to pills to cure what ails us—no matter what our trouble might be. Whether it’s physical or emotional, we may believe that medication will take care of the problem. As a result, it’s not surprising that a number of us also turn to diet pills in an effort to control our weight.

There are a number of advantages to using diet pills when trying to fight fat. To begin with, diet pills are quick-acting—we may see results after only a little bit of time has elapsed. As a result, we may gain confidence and lose even more weight as a result of our success with diet pills. Other people—friends, relatives, co-workers—may notice our weight loss and may compliment us as a result. Consequently, we may be motivated to work even harder at our weight loss.

Diet pills are also convenient. We can keep them in our medicine cabinet or kitchen cupboard. We can take a pill in the morning and not have to worry about our weight for the rest of the day. We don’t have to do a great deal of research, as is required when we are trying to determine which diet to try. In addition, taking a diet pill is hardly as strenuous as running five miles or swimming ten laps.

Moreover, diet pills can help us to shift some of the responsibility for losing weight to another entity. No longer is it simply up to us to control our weight. We look to the pill to resolve our weight problem, once and for all. This can help to lower our anxiety, reducing our stress level.

But there are also serious disadvantages to using diet pills. For instance, there is the possibility that we will become addicted to the medication. This can take a toll on not only our physical health, but our emotional health as well. We may become too dependent on the pills, expecting them to solve our weight problems.

Diet pills also teach us nothing about good nutrition. You do not have to learn about proper diet if you are depending on a pill to take your excess weight away. As a result, an individual may never discover the importance of healthy eating, and his or her overall health could suffer as a result.

In addition, there is no such thing as a quick fix when it comes to weight loss. While you might lose weight for a time after taking diet pills, you could quickly regain the weight, once you go off the pills. As a result, diet pills fail to provide a life-long approach to healthy weight maintenance.

Given the pros and cons of diet pills, you might be wondering whether they would be right for you. Check with your family physician. He or she is in the best position to assess your overall health and determine whether diet pills would be appropriate in your particular case. Secondly, consider consulting with a nutritionist. He or she can help advise you about whether to take diet pills.

Diet pills are a huge industry within the U.S. So, there is a great deal of marketing, urging you to purchase these so-called wonder drugs. But, before you buy, you have to seriously consider whether these pills could jeopardize your health. While it may be important for you to lose weight, it is even more important for you to shield your body from harm.

Weight loss is not miraculous. It takes a great deal of dedication and perseverance. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will find the secret to weight loss in a bottle. By changing your diet and exercising, you might notice only incremental changes in your weight. However, over the long term, you might be better able to maintain healthy weight loss by sticking with the tried-and-true formula of diet and exercise.

To your weight loss,

Mohd Shahreil

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This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read.
Since natural and/or dietary supplements are not FDA approved they must be accompanied by a two-part disclaimer on the product label: that the statement has not been evaluated by FDA and that the product is not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”